Spanish for Dummies
Progress this week slows down but atleast something is better than nothing. Perfecto figure on these words and sentences this week make sense. I need to know of these words first than any other.. it’s a need for learning spanish or spanish as a second language.
What you see is what you get [WYSIWYG] : lo que se ve es lo que se imprime
I’m no expert in Spanish: no soy experto en espanol.
I’m in love with you: estoy enamorado de ti
You’re family is there!
Father: padre
Mother: madre
Son: hijo
Daughter: hija
Children/boy: nino, chico
Children/girl: nina, chica
Brother: hermano
Sister: hermana
Unclie: tio
Aunt: tia
Boyfriend: novio
Girlfriend: novia, amiga
Relative: relativo
Neighbour: vecino(a)
Post at myzenith blog <>
What you see is what you get [WYSIWYG] : lo que se ve es lo que se imprime
I’m no expert in Spanish: no soy experto en espanol.
I’m in love with you: estoy enamorado de ti
You’re family is there!
Father: padre
Mother: madre
Son: hijo
Daughter: hija
Children/boy: nino, chico
Children/girl: nina, chica
Brother: hermano
Sister: hermana
Unclie: tio
Aunt: tia
Boyfriend: novio
Girlfriend: novia
Relative: relativo
Neighbour: vecino(a)
Post at myzenith blog <>